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Legal Notice


In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of is:

Company name: BEAZAI, S.L.
C.I.F.: B-20828851
Address: Gran Camping Zarautz – Talaimendi Auzoa s/n, 20800 ZARAUTZ
Telephone: 943831238
Fax: 943132486


Access to this website attributes you the status of “User”, implying your express and unreserved acceptance of the general conditions published on, at the time you access the website. Therefore, the User must read these general conditions of use on each occasion in which he or she intends to access and, where appropriate, use the services provided through this website, since they may be subject to modifications.

In this sense, “User” will be understood as the person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities, free or expensive, developed at


These general conditions of use regulate access, navigation and use of as well as the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents such as texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property.

BEAZAI, S.L. may establish particular conditions that will be applicable for the use and/or contracting of specific services, these general conditions being of supplementary application.


  • Access to is in principle free of charge. However, some of the services and content may be subject to prior contracting of the service or product, and in those cases, the particular conditions created for this purpose that BEAZAI, S.L. will be made available to you prior to hiring.
  • Minors who intend to use the services contained on this website must have the prior consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who are the only ones responsible for the acts carried out by the minors in their care.
  • At all times, the User must make lawful use of the services of this website, in accordance with these general conditions, current legislation, morality and public order as well as generally accepted practices on the Internet.
  • The User guarantees that all the information provided through the subscription forms included on this website is legal, real, exact, truthful and updated. It will be the sole responsibility of the User to immediately communicate to BEAZAI, S.L. of any modification that may occur in the information provided.
    The User will refrain from: introducing viruses, programs, macros or any sequence of characters with the purpose of damaging or altering the computer systems of this website; hinder the access of other users through massive resource consumption; capture data included on this website for advertising purposes; reproduce, copy, distribute, transform or make available to third parties the contents included on this website; carry out actions through the services included on this website that may harm the intellectual property, industrial secrets, contractual commitments, rights to honor, image and personal privacy of third parties; carry out actions of unfair competition and illicit advertising.
  • If, in order to use and/or contract a service at, the User must proceed to register, the User will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. If as a result of registration, the User is provided with a password, the User undertakes to use it diligently and keep the password secret to access these services. Consequently, Users are responsible for the adequate custody and confidentiality of any identifiers and/or passwords that are provided to them and undertake not to transfer their use to third parties, whether temporary or permanent, or to allow their access to outsiders. The User will be responsible for the illicit use of the services by any illegitimate third party who uses a password for this purpose due to non-diligent use or loss of the same by the User. In cases of theft, loss or unauthorized access to their passwords, the User will be responsible for immediately notifying BEAZAI, S.L. in order to proceed with its cancellation. BEAZAI, S.L. In no case will it be responsible for actions carried out by unauthorized third parties until the aforementioned notification is made by the User.


BEAZAI, S.L. is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights of all the elements that make up, including the brand, trade name or distinctive sign. In particular and without limitation, they are protected by copyright, graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, sounds and other elements contained on the website.

In no case does access or navigation on imply renunciation, transmission or total or partial license of BEAZAI, S.L. for personal use to the User on their intellectual and industrial property rights.

Therefore, the User recognizes that the reproduction, copying, distribution, commercialization, transformation, reuse, public communication and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of grancampingzarautz.test-overalia. com, without express written authorization from BEAZAI, S.L., constitutes an infringement of its intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

All information that is not considered personal data voluntarily transmitted to via the Internet (including any observations, suggestions, ideas, graphics, etc.) will become the exclusive property of BEAZAI, S.L. which will hold unlimited rights of use, without accruing any compensation in its favor or in favor of any other person.


  • BEAZAI, S.L. does not guarantee the legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity or accuracy of the services or information included in, therefore it excludes any direct or indirect liability for damages of any kind, derived from the fraud of utility or expectations that the User has placed in it.
  • BEAZAI, S.L. declares that it has adopted both technical and organizational measures that, within its possibilities and the state of technology, allow the correct functioning of the website as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components, however it cannot be held responsible for: (a ) the continuity and availability of the contents and services collected on; (b) the absence of errors in said contents or the correction of any defect that may occur; (c) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components in; (d) the impregnability of the security measures that have been adopted; (e) damages or losses caused by any person who violates the security systems of
  • The User will be solely responsible before third parties for any communication sent personally or in their name to, as well as for the illegitimate use of the contents and services contained on this website.
  • BEAZAI, S.L. reserves the right to temporarily suspend, without prior notice, accessibility to for maintenance, repair, update or improvement operations. Whenever circumstances permit, BEAZAI, S.L. will publish on its website, with sufficient advance notice, indicating the expected date for the suspension of services.
  • Links to other web pages that may exist on may take you to websites of which BEAZAI, S.L. does not assume any responsibility, since it does not have any type of control over them, its purpose being to inform the User of other sources of information, so the User accesses the content under their exclusive responsibility and in the conditions of use that govern in them.
  • BEAZAI, S.L. is not responsible for the use that Users may make of the content and services included on its website. Consequently, it does not guarantee that the use that Users may make of the referred content and services conform to these general conditions of use, nor that they do so diligently.


  • BEAZAI, S.L. reserves the right to modify, totally or partially, these general conditions of access by publishing the changes on Likewise, you may make the modifications you deem appropriate on the website without prior notice, and may change, delete or add both the content and services you provide, as well as the way in which they are presented or located. Consequently, the general conditions that are published at the time the User accesses will be understood as current, so the User must periodically read these conditions of use.
  • Regardless of the provisions of the particular conditions, BEAZAI, S.L. may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the contents of the page, without the User being able to demand any compensation.


The relationships established between BEAZAI, S.L. and the User will be governed by the provisions of current regulations regarding applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction. However, for cases in which the regulations provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a jurisdiction, BEAZAI, S.L. and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of San Sebastián.


Information and Consent

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter RGPD) and its implementing regulations, BEAZAI, S.L. as File Manager, informs all users of the Website (hereinafter Website) about the processing of their personal data, those provided during access and use of the Website and in their relationship with BEAZAI. , S.L.

By accepting this Legal Notice, the user is informed and gives their free, informed, specific and unequivocal consent so that the personal data that they voluntarily provide on our Website, either through the “Contact” form or through email of Contact, are treated by BEAZAI, S.L.

Purpose for which we will process your personal data

Data provided through the “Contact” form:

  • Manage requests for information and attention to queries required by the user.
    Data provided through the “email” address:
  • Manage information/query requests requested by the user.
  • The personal data contained in the CVs sent voluntarily by users will be taken into account for possible selection processes at BEAZAI, S.L.

Obligation to provide data

The data requested in the forms on the Website are generally mandatory (those marked with *) to comply with the established purposes. Therefore, the refusal to provide the data requested in the form, the provision of inaccurate or incomplete data, could cause non-attention to your request/query, inadequate, defective or insufficient attention, without prejudice to free viewing of the content of the form. the Web by the user.

Legitimation for the Processing of your data

  • For the attention of requests for information and queries, the consent given by the user in accepting this Legal Notice.
  • To take you into account in possible selection processes, the consent given by the interested party.

Retention time of your data

Data provided through the “Contact” form on the Website:

  • They will be kept for the period necessary to process and respond to your request/query and, once completed, they will be deleted when they are no longer necessary for the established purpose.
    Data provided through the “email” address:
  • They will be kept for the period necessary to process and respond to your request/query and, once completed, they will be deleted when they are no longer necessary for the established purpose.
  • For Curriculum Vitae sent voluntarily by users, they will be kept for 1 year. After this time, and if you do not participate in possible selection processes with BEAZAI, S.L., the personal data received will be deleted and the support provided will be destroyed.

Recipients of your data

In general, the communication of your data to Third Parties is not planned, except for those that are legally established.

User Responsibility

The user guarantees that the data provided to BEAZAI, S.L. are accurate, complete and up-to-date. For these purposes, the user is responsible for the veracity of all the data communicated and will keep the information provided appropriately updated, so that it responds to their real situation.

The user guarantees that he has informed the third parties of whom he provides his data, if he does so, of the aspects contained in this document. Likewise, you guarantee that you have obtained your authorization to provide your data to BEAZAI, S.L. for the stated purposes.

The user will be responsible for any false or inaccurate information provided through the Website and for any direct or indirect damages that this causes to BEAZAI, S.L. or to third parties.

Exercise of your Rights

The user can send a letter to BEAZAI, S.L., to the addresses indicated in the header of this Privacy Policy, attaching a photocopy of their identity document, at any time and free of charge, to:

  • Revoke the consents granted.
  • Obtain confirmation about whether BEAZAI, S.L. personal data that concerns the user or not is being processed.
  • Access your personal data.
  • Correct incorrect or incomplete data.
  • Request the deletion of your personal data when, for any reason, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was obtained.
  • Obtain from BEAZAI, S.L. limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided in the data protection regulations are met.
  • Request the portability of your data in those cases provided for in the regulations.
  • File a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency or C/ Jorge Juan nº 6 – CP/28001; Madrid, in the event of inadequate treatment of your personal data or violation of your rights by BEAZAI, S.L.

Security measures

BEAZAI, S.L. will at all times treat the user’s data in an absolutely confidential manner and maintaining the mandatory duty of secrecy regarding them. In accordance with the provisions of the RGPD and other applicable regulations, BEAZAI, S.L. has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your data and prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.